Your day in ELC

Your Day in ELC

We are excited to watch you take your first little steps at Anton Bruckner International School!

In our Early Learning Centre programme you will be able to discover many things about yourself, your friends and the world around you. You might feel a bit unsafe the first time you enter your class, but we promise that very soon you will feel safe and loved at Anton Bruckner. You will make many friends and enjoy every day you are here.

At the Early Learning Centre, you can learn in a safe environment where everything is just the right size for you. You can learn how to build a bridge out of blocks, you can learn how to cook and sell things, you can learn to count, read and write. You can discover the world from your own point of view.

You will be given a quiet space if you feel you need a rest or a time out. You will be given time if you just feel like playing or reading a book.

In the Early Learning Centre, you will be able to discover many things: How long is my foot? How heavy is water? How would a beetle look through a magnifying glass or through a microscope? How can I write my name on different materials without using a pencil? How fast can I climb up the climbing frame? 

We know you will have so many more questions. And we will try to answer them all. You can use your imagination to learn with toys and games, with numbers, sounds and words, with dance and music, with pictures and books.

No matter how you develop, slowly or quickly, there is no rush for you. In your own time, but with loads of support and love, you will discover the delight for life-long learning.

That is what we hope for you.