At ABIS we believe creative art, music and drama to be an everyday part of our student´s school experience. The Arts can never be seperated from other subject groups like the science or languages
As innumerable studies have shown, the Arts are an integral part of any educational program. Although Arts education technically involves the study of theory, history, and practice in the disciplines of Music, Dance, Theatre, and Visual Arts, a firm grounding in the Arts provides many more benefits for the learner than can be seen on the surface.
The Arts change the learning paradigm, decreasing the emphasis on content, and increasing the emphasis on discovery and exploration. This paradigm shift enables learners to approach problem solving from a much broader range of perspectives than would otherwise be possible.
Students need to be thinkers, possess people skills, be problem-solvers, demonstrate creativity, and work as a member of a team. We need to offer more in-depth learning about the things that matter the most: order, integrity, thinking skills, a sense of wonder, truth, flexibility, fairness, dignity, contribution, justice, creativity and cooperation. The arts provide all of these.
Jensen, E. (2001). Arts with the brain in mind. Alexandria, Va., Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.