Thinking is fun!

Our school’s philosophy is to prepare children to live and communicate diversely anywhere in the world. Anton Bruckner International School aims to guide students through their first steps in formal education by helping them to:
  • think critically, creatively and independently
  • develop character and learn through challenges
  • learn through inquiry and discovery -Thinking is fun!
  • learn through the variety of cultures within the class
  • learn through a variety of teaching methods
  • develop a love of learning and self-motivation by achieving academic and personal goals
  • discover their personal potential

The Five Values of Respect

When Anton Bruckner International School was first established in 2008, faculty members and students reflected together about what kind of school they wanted. They decided that the last place they wanted to be was in a school with a “don’t” culture — as in, “don’t do this” and “you are not allowed to do that”. These community members wanted a school embedded with a culture of positive language and values so they outlined the Five Values of Respect
  • Respect for Self and Others
  • Respect for Learning
  • Respect for the Planet and its Environment
  • Respect for Leadership
  • Respect for Other Cultures and Languages

Outcomes of Education

When students leave Anton Bruckner International School, students should:
  • have a lively curiosity about things
  • be able to build friendship with others
  • be able to think for and express themselves
  • have developed critical thinking
  • have developed understanding of the need for physical and mental balance and personal welfare
  • have developed a sense of caring for others in need of help
  • have developed a sense of honesty, fairness and justice
  • have developed respect for different views, traditions and cultures
  • be able to work in teams
  • believe in their abilities