IB Corner

What is the IB Corner?

This is a project from our former IB Coordinator, Sammy Lyke, where she worked with students to showcase a different IB Learner Profile Attribute every month. The purpose of the IB Learner Profile Attributes is focusing on the whole person as a lifelong learner. The goal of the IB is to “develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet help to create a better and more peaceful world.” Developing lifelong learners who are positive contributors to society is something we at ABIS strive to achieve. Please use the links below to participate in activities, games and stories to help promote these common values within our children.

October – CARING

Learner Profile Attribute of the month: CARING

Please click to learn more how ABIS students demonstrate being caring, participate in activities, games and stories to help promote these values within our children.

November – BALANCED

Learner Profile Attribute of the month: BALANCED

If you want to learn about how we promote being BALANCED at ABIS, how to create more balance in your life, read books and listen to stories, click on the button below.


 Students who are communicators understand and express information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Learn more about this Learner Profile and see ABIS students being communicators.


 Although 2020 was an especially challenging year for all of us, I am sure a lot of these new experiences have also helped us to learn and grow. Find lots of possibilities for your own personal reflection as well as ideas for books and stories. 


Especially during the last 10 months, it seems we have had to get used to a lot of regulations and we have had to be very principled. But being principled doesn’t just mean behaving and following the rules. Amongst many other things, it also includes taking responsibility, acting with integrity and honesty or showing compassion and caring. 



Find out how we use our critical and creative thinking skills when we solve problems at ABIS. Get a better insight into our daily learning and teaching by watching the video. 




Learn all about how our ABIS students are risk-takers and how this trait enables them to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought.



Click on “Learn more” button to see how ABIS students demonstrate being knowledgeable. Find out more about this learner profile, participate in activities, read stories and get ideas how to help develop this attribute within your children.

November – INQUIRER

Watch ABIS students being curious inquirers that want to find out more about the world around them. As always there are lots of books, videos and activities to look at to learn more about this Learner Profile.


December – OPEN-MINDED

Especially during these challenging times, keeping an open mind and staying positive is very important. Find out more about this attribute and how trying out new things and seeing the world through the eyes of another person can change your way of thinking


PYP5 Exhibition 21/22

Sustainable Development Goals

Click here to access PYP5 Exhibition Slides

PYP5 Exhibition 23/24

Click here to access PYP5 Exhibition Slides